Dryad Counseling LLC

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Depression: Maybe it’s just laziness?

It’s tough to deal with depression. It gets even harder to deal with depression when there are still so many people who view depression as "just being lazy".

Let's talk about it.

Laziness is easy to describe. You might call to mind someone sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels with snacks all around them, but not doing much with their time. You've seen it portrayed in almost every type of sitcom, makeover show or movie.

You ever notice that things like "unmotivated", "apathetic", and "worthless" are used to describe someone who is "lazy"? Those words are the same feelings that someone with depression can experience too.

Someone who is depressed might also be struggling with concentration, having changes in sleeping patterns, increased fatigue and changes in appetite. On the outside, it might look exactly like you picture someone who is "lazy".

Here's the kicker: "Laziness" is often just a mask for depression. It takes time to figure out if you’re just having a “lazy” day or if you’re starting (or in some cases, continuing) to deal with depression.

Depression is something that can be treated and while it might not go away completely, it gets easier to manage over time with the right support.

Depression can look different for everyone, but here’s the major things to look for:

  • Decreased physical activity

  • Changes in sleeping patterns or energy levels

  • Changes in appetite

  • Changes in mood (feeling more down than usual, feeling guilt or shame, not being able to enjoy things like before)

  • Changes in concentration

Just because these are happening, this doesn’t always mean you’re depressed. You might be grieving, stressed, gone through a massive change.

Everyone is entitled to a few "lazy" days every now and then. However, if you're noticing that it's stretching into "lazy weeks" or even months, it's time to reach out for help. This is where therapy can help.

Dryad Counseling is accepting new clients and you can schedule a consultation here: www.dryadcounseling.as.me/phoneconsult.

#therapy #depression #mentalhealth #counseling