First Post!


Thank you for deciding to check out my blog and I hope the content will be something you find useful.

It took me a while to dedicate time to blogging. I was worried that it would be pointless, or that it would turn into something that I wasn’t proud of. I hope that this grows into something that benefits my clients, both current and potential.

If you’ve made it this far, chances are you’ve already read about me and my practice, but in case you haven’t here it is. This is the cliff notes version of what my practice and experience are.

Here’s some extra content. I decided to become a counselor because I was planning to be a psychiatrist, but as it turns out, you need to at least be good at math to get to medical school. This left me with a dilemma during my undergraduate time.

“Now what?” I had to answer this because my entire college career was geared to going to medical school and planned my life around it. Once I realized this wasn’t going to happen for me, I needed to change my whole plan. I don’t remember exactly how I decided to pursue counseling as a career, but it made sense the more I researched it. The part of psychiatry I was interested in was the one on one, talking to people and helping them with things they were struggling with.

I did take an introduction to social work class and it wasn’t what I was looking for. Counseling made more sense for me. I can’t explain it to this day why it made more sense. It just did. It was confirmed when I sat in my first graduate school class and the professor was talking about the profession. I just had this sense of “Oh…this is what it feels like to find your calling”.

Here I am, almost 4 years after graduating and still just as in love with the profession as ever.

I’m hoping to publish weekly about various counseling and mental health related topics. If you like it, please feel free to keep coming back.

If you really like it and think that you want to work with me (Ohio Only), feel free to book a consultation with me!


Why should I seek therapy?